Why contribute to open source projects?

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Celo Reis

March 29, 2023 7:53 PM


Have you heard about open source projects, but do you know why it's important to contribute to them? In this article, we will discuss the benefits of contributing to open source projects and how you can get started in this amazing community.

What is open source?

The term "open source" refers to a type of software whose source code is publicly available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This approach allows the global community of developers to collaborate on projects, bringing constant improvements and innovations.


Improving technical skills

Contributing to open source projects is an excellent way to improve your technical skills. You will have the opportunity to work with various technologies, face real challenges, and learn from other experienced developers.

Increasing professional visibility

By collaborating on open source projects, you will be exposing your work to a global audience. This can increase your professional visibility and even attract the attention of potential employers.


Participating in open source projects allows you to build a network of contacts with professionals from different areas and levels of experience. These connections can be valuable for future collaborations, job opportunities, and personal growth.

Contributing to the community

By dedicating your time and skills to open source projects, you will be helping the global community of developers to create and maintain better and more innovative software. This can be extremely rewarding and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Having an online portfolio

Contributing to open source projects allows you to create a solid online portfolio that demonstrates your skills and technical knowledge. This portfolio can be an advantage when you are looking for a job or seeking to advance in your career.

How to get started

Finding projects

There are many open source projects available for contribution. Some platforms, such as GitHub and GitLab, make it easy to search for projects based on your interests and skills.

Choosing your area of contribution

There are several ways to contribute to open source projects:

  • Development: You can help write, review, or fix code.
  • Documentation: Creating and maintaining documentation is essential for the success of a project.
  • Translation: If you speak more than one language, you can help translate the documentation or the software itself.
  • Testing and QA: Testing the software and identifying issues is an important part of the development process.

How to contribute

  • Fork and clone repository: First, fork the project's repository to your personal account and clone it locally to start working.
  • Open issues and send pull requests: Identify existing issues or areas that need improvement and open an issue on the project's repository. After making the necessary changes, send a pull request for your contributions to be reviewed and possibly incorporated into the project.
  • Participate in discussions and communication: Communicate with other contributors and stay up to date on the latest news and updates from the project. This includes participating in forums, mailing lists, and chats.


Contributing to open source projects offers a range of benefits, from improving technical skills to building a network of professional contacts. Additionally, it's an excellent way to make a positive impact on the global community of developers. There's no better time to start contributing to open source projects than now.


  1. Do I need to be an experienced developer to contribute to open source projects? No, people with different levels of experience can contribute to open source projects. Additionally, there are several areas of contribution, such as documentation and translation, that do not require advanced programming skills.
  2. How can I find open source projects that align with my interests and skills? You can use platforms like GitHub and GitLab to search for projects based on specific technologies, programming languages, and areas of interest.
  3. Is contributing to open source projects a paid activity? In most cases , contributing to open source projects is a voluntary and unpaid activity. However, some organizations and companies offer financial incentive or recognition programs for contributors.
  4. How can I get involved in communication with other contributors of an open source project? Communication can occur through various platforms, such as mailing lists, forums, chats, and social media. Each project may have its preferred communication tools and channels, so it's essential to check the project's documentation to stay informed.
  5. How much time should I dedicate to contributing to open source projects? The amount of time you dedicate to contributing to open source projects depends on your preferences and availability. Some contributors dedicate a few hours per week, while others contribute full-time. The important thing is to find a balance that works for you and engage consistently.
  6. Is it possible to contribute to open source projects while working remotely? Yes, most open source projects allow contributors to work remotely since code repositories and communication tools are available online. This offers the opportunity to collaborate with people from all over the world and learn from different cultural and technical perspectives.
  7. What is a "fork" and a "pull request" in the context of open source projects? A "fork" is a copy of a project's original repository created on your personal account. This allows you to work on the project without affecting the original code. A "pull request" is a request for your code changes to be reviewed and, if approved, incorporated into the original project.
  8. Can contributing to open source projects improve my chances of getting a job? Yes, contributing to open source projects can increase your chances of getting a job, as it demonstrates your technical skills, ability to work in a team, and commitment to the developer community. Additionally, it can help build a solid online portfolio, which can be an advantage during the hiring process.
  9. Are there any legal risks associated with contributing to open source projects? While rare, some open source projects may face legal disputes related to intellectual property or licensing. Before contributing, it's essential to learn about the project's license and ensure that you are complying with the established terms. If in doubt, consider consulting a lawyer specializing in intellectual property.
  10. How can I stay up to date on the latest news and trends in open source projects? Participating in conferences, events, and workshops related to open source is an excellent way to stay informed about the latest news and trends. Additionally, following blogs, forums, and social media dedicated to the topic can help expand your knowledge and connect with other professionals in the field.
  11. Is it necessary to know multiple programming languages to contribute to open source projects? It's not mandatory to know multiple programming languages, but being familiar with different technologies can be an advantage. However, many open source projects are developed in a specific programming language, so it's possible to contribute by knowing only that language. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, there are other areas of contribution, such as documentation and translation, that do not require advanced programming skills.
  12. What are the main challenges of contributing to open source projects? Challenges can vary, but some common ones include dealing with different time zones and cultures, learning new technologies, keeping up with changes in the project, and staying up to date on best practices. Additionally, it can be challenging to find time to dedicate to the project, especially if you are contributing as a volunteer.

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